28 June 2012

Knocked Down, Just the Way I Likes It


I have been away so long from the blogbog that {blogger} has changed its format. It seems to be on a whole radical simplicity kick. So much white. It's like freakin' Space Odyssey in here.

So what's new with you, kittens?

Since last I monologued, there have a few changes here. Let me rattle them off by way of conversation.

1. I did sell the estate, after all! Man-child came and got his stuff in several shifts. It required a dumpster rental and much effort on my part (sure, unfair but whatchagonnuhdo?), but we did get it out. Then much cleaning and packing and moving and volia, I am homeless, mortgageless and temporarily rich! Didn't last.

2. I bought a new place! Yes, not that it hasn't been cozy living at my partner's place, and it has been generous of him to share his dwelling with me. But I am too old not to require my own territory. We got first dibs on abso-fuckin-lutely cool character house here in the Village, and leapt all over it like stink. We move next week. 

3. I'm unemployed! Though not in any tragic way, really. Earlyish days yet. With the move out and another move pending, it's been hard for me to set up an office in my partner's ex-workshop. It's filled with his shit and my shit and household shit, and is only heated by woodstove. You think this would be a problem in June coming on July, but it is because it is Junuary here and 15 degrees more often than not. 

Another factor in my jobless state is I went on vacation, and if you've read past posts you know everything goes to pot when I leave my duties for more than a few days. I went on Eurotour 2012 for three weeks in May--which was lovely but well-behaved to the point of narcolepsy--and I chanced fate by not doing any work-related activity while abroad. Sure enough, a new business partnership that had looked solid when I left went off the rails while I was away, and since my new partner a) did not tell me until asked and b) did so only grudgingly and yes, rudely and then c) did it AGAIN a couple of weeks later,  I figured it was best to abort this particular experiment sooner rather than later. Jeesh. I cannot abide unnecessary rudeness. 

Anyway, I felt much like a bewildered boyfriend who gets manipulated into a break-up, and finds himself blamed by a crazy ex. Honestly, I was like dude, what just happened here...? Ha! Yet another classic Bitches Be Crazy moment. Dang.

At any rate, it's not too bad. For once, I've got a nice bit o' savings to get by on. I've dusted off my shelved company and am launching a new website/company next week and starting the work-hustle-shuffle in order to procure consulting work by early fall, I hope. If not, I may have to overcome my morbid fear of sewing machines and and work in my honey's shop stitching together odds and sods. Who knows?  Life is a highway, I want to ride it. All. Night. Long! Yeah...

4. I've found a new sport to harm myself in! Kickboxing has been on hiatus during the moves and vacation times, but I've taken up mountain-biking since moving next to the trails. A few weeks ago, I gored my thigh on a log stub (12 stitches). Yesterday, I arced over my handlebars and drove my face into the (luckily soft) forest floor. I think I have the tiniest of concussions today as I'm spacey as heck, plus generally sore. Add a constellation of bruises and scrapes to those incidents, and you can see why I am growing to love the sport. I'm not very extreme but I like sports that kick the shit out of you if you're not careful, go figure. But no downhill or BMX for me, thanks. 

5. I'm not pregnant! Had a few days of growing unease recently where I was like, oh no, it's too soon, too soon! Only to have the menstrual express arrive a few days later than usual. The partner is more enthusiastic about the idea of an offspring than I am, but even he was worried at this early juncture. Me, I'm pretty much divided at the prospect ever materializing. Part of me is like Ew + Sounds Like a Lot of Work, the other part is like Aw! + Could Be Somehow Rewarding in Mystical Way Sleep-Deprived Parents Allude To, and He Seems Keen, Etc. Hardly a ringing endorsement, I know, but a long way from where I once was. 

The He refers to childless/child-free couples as being "kinda weird", whereas I see them as being a little eccentric in a lovable, independent way. They have time to take pottery classes in their 40s! They have nice furniture (if they're not into petspetspets). They talk about things other than children. All these things, apparently, make one seem "kinda weird" to people with kids. Sigh. He must be persuasive, as I've gamely thrown my old and depleting eggs into action as needed. If they don't take, well, we may adopt. Or not. Who knows? Not this spinster (I'm reclaiming the word). 

Now I must go broil meat and prepare to be agreeable. Hope you are well!

Spinster out --